In order to succeed, the MOF4AIR project gathers 14 partners from 8 countries across Europe and Asia and an Industrial Cluster Board. University of MONS is coordinating the project as a research centre with a strong experience on the MOF thematic as well as the different carbon capture processes.
The project gathers in total 6 research centres with the needed expertise for the project, three SMEs specialised in the production of the MOFs and their shaping at an industrial scale, three demonstration sites, a cement association and one SME specialised in communication and dissemination.
In order to guarantee the replicability and transferability of its results, MOF4AIR also comprises an Industrial Cluster Board which will operate in synergy with MOF4AIR.
This section presents the different partners, and the members of the Industrial Cluster Board.

University of MONS (UMONS) – Coordinator of MOF4AIR
Type of organisation: Research Organisation
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The University of Mons offers forty-degree programs within its six faculties and two Schools. UMONS is a University with more than 1,000 scientific, technical and administrative staff members and 9,500 students whose more than 500 PhD.
UMONS hosts 80 Research Units and 2 Centres of Excellence.
The Thermodynamics Unit, involved in the MOF4AIR project, has R&D activities in design of CO2 capture (adsorption and absorption) and utilization processes ( CO2 to SNG or to methanol), removing of acid compounds from natural gas or biogas, elimination of VOC from exhaust air by adsorption and/or catalyst and more.
To read more about UMONS, click here.

Type of organisation: Research Organisation
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SINTEF is a multidisciplinary research institute with around 2000 employees participating in bilateral industrial research projects, European and national research projects.
SINTEF will contribute with WP leader role for WP 4 and 5 and as a task leader for several tasks. Our main contribution will be on the development of shaping procedures, evaluation of adsorption properties, development and testing of MBTSA process at TRL5, techno-economic assessment and LCA.

Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Type of organisation: Research Organisation
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The CNRS is a French government-funded research organisation with main missions: to evaluate and carry out research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural and economic benefits to society; to apply and promote of research results; to develop scientific information; to support research training and to participate in the analysis of the national and international situation of science and its evolution in view of contributing to the development of the national research policy.
The IMAP, a joint CNRS-ENS-ESPCI unit, has a leading expertise in synthesis and structural characterization/elucidation of MOFs (and their composites) as well as their applications in strategic/societal domains (green-house gas sorption, liquids separation, batteries, drug delivery …). IMAP is equipped by state-of-the-art facilities for synthesis, scale up, shaping and characterization. It also has a network of collaborators (simulation, sorption, separation, spectroscopy, microscopy, etc.).

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)
Type of organisation: Research Organisation
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Politecnico di Milano is a public technical university and the largest Engineering School in Italy, ranked 16th in the world, 6th in Europe and 1st in Italy among the Engineering and Technology universities in the last QS ranking 2019.
The support for the MOF4AIR project will be provided by the Group of Energy Conversion Systems (GECOS), that contributed in several EU projects, assessing the integration of advanced CO2 capture technologies for power, cement, steel and hydrogen plants.
To read more about POLIMI, click here and discover the POLIMI research group involved in MOF4AIR here.

Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)
Type of organisation: Research Organisation
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The Center for Renewable Energy Sources & Saving (CRES), a public entity, is the Greek National center for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Rational Use of Energy (RUE) & Energy Saving (ES). The general objective of CRES is the promotion of RE, RUE and ES. CRES main activities include research & development, demonstration, energy information systems, feasibility studies, technical and economic studies, market research & promotional activities.
To discover about CRES, click here.

Type of organisation: SME
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SiKÉMIA is a French supplier of a large variety of organic ligands and coupling agent derivatives. Our activity is focused on the design and development of:
- Carboxylic and phosphonic acid derivatives for MOFs Synthesis
- Organosilyl and organophosphorus compounds for surface functionalization

MOF Technologies Limited (MOFTECH)
Type of organisation: SME
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MOF Technologies is a Belfast-based SME specialised in the large-scale manufacture of a new class of super-adsorbents named Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) using a unique method for producing and shaping MOFs that is simple, environmentally friendly and cost effective.
MOF Technologies is devoted to the development and commercialisation of MOF-based applications with state-of-the-art facilities for in-depth characterisation and performance evaluation of MOFs under realistic operating conditions.

Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)
Type of organisation: Research Organisation
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The Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) in Daejeon, South Korea, is a national research laboratory in chemical technology of Korea. KRICT focuses on the development of sustainable and key technologies in materials, pharmaceutical chemistry and chemical engineering.
In MOF4AIR, KRICT will contribute to optimization of the synthesis and shaping (wet granulation) conditions at the kg scale of the MOFs together with ENGTECH which is a small chemical company in South Korea.
To discover more about KRICT, click here.

Type of organisation: Research Organisation
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ENG TECH Co. Ltd. is the Korean small company which is located in Daeduck Techno-Valley in Daejeon, South Korea. It was founded in 2000. Its portfolio ranges from energy storage materials and chemicals such as electrolytes of lithium ion battery to catalysts in petrochemical industry such as metallocene catalysts.
Specifically, it has expertise in the mass production and purification of corrosive and air-sensitive materials including organic carbonate electrolytes and metallocenes. It is also capable of up-scale production of special chemicals and materials that should be highly purified.

Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM)
Type of organisation: End-user
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Technology Centre Mongstad is the world’s largest facility for testing and improving CO2 capture. Knowledge gained will prepare the ground for CO2 capture initiatives to combat climate change.
TCM is a joint venture between the Norwegian state, Statoil, Shell and Total.
To discover more about TCM, click here.

Solamat Merex (SOLAMAT)
Type of organisation: End-user
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SOLAMAT-MEREX is part of SARP Industries (SARPI) group, VEOLIA’s subsidiary, and is leader for treatment and recovery of hazardous industrial wastes. Since its origin in 1975, SARPI designs, owns and operates its tools. SARPI’s strong environmental convictions and environmental performance help to maintain and even restore the acceptability of industries by providing efficient treatment solutions for the management of their hazardous wastes and thus limiting their impact on the environment.
In MOF4Air project, SOLAMAT joins the research team on gas treatment and valorisation of VeRI (Veolia Research and Innovation Center) that will provide analytical equipment and support to Solamat during the tests on site.

Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş. (Tüpraş)
Type of organisation: End-user
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Operating four oil refineries having a total of 30 million tons/year crude oil processing capacity, Tüpraş is the largest industrial enterprise of Turkey by revenue and 7th largest refining company of Europe.
Tüpraş R&D Center was established in 2010 as a certified R&D center endorsed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of Turkey. Tüpraş R&D Center aims to develop new technologies & products as well as to improve production processes and products of Tüpraş by means of conducting innovative projects.
To discover more about TUPRAS, click here.
Euroquality (EQY)
Type of organisation: SME
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Established in 1997, Euroquality is a service provider specialised in innovation consulting. Its main activities are setting up European projects (e.g. H2020, LIFE, Erasmus+), carrying out economic studies, policy evaluation, technological and technical studies, development of communication material, training, and the management of national and European projects.
For 20 years, Euroquality has been able to adapt to the different technological mutations and always be at the top of innovation consulting, with a staff made of doctors and engineers advising international clients on the development of their innovations.
To read more about Euroquality, click here.

Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association (TURKCİMENTO)
Type of organisation: Cement Association
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Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association (TCMA), as a nonprofit organization (NGO) and the common voice of the Turkish cement industry, represents a total of 68 enterprises in Turkey, as 51 of them being integrated facilities and 17 grinding plants. TCMA R&D Institute focuses on testing and researching of cement, raw materials, concrete, aggregate, chemical&mineral admixtures, fuels&alternative fuels, flue gas and plays an active role on several projects under R&D Innovation Projects Department.
To know more about TCMA, click here.
Would you like to join us at MOF4AIR and contribute to the decarbonisation of the industry and power generation?
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EPC Contractor
Type of organisation: EPC Contractor
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Edibon is a worldwide benchmark company, with more than 45 years of experience in designing and producing research and teaching equipment for engineering and technical education.
Our strategy on continuous Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) allows us to have nowadays more than 4,000 units developed and designed by us, manufactured with the most advanced technology, complying with international quality standards and installed in more than 140 countries.
Thanks to our human capital and their knowledge, we can offer a personalized and comprehensive service that covering the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and service for all our products, thus offering a guarantee of success and full customer satisfaction.
To know more about EDIBON, click here.
Industrial Cluster Board
MOF4AIR partners ambition to deliver highly replicable outputs in order to foster the impacts of their project. MOF4AIR Replicability Study will be achieved in close collaboration with the MOF4AIR Industrial Cluster Board (ICB).
This Board will operate in synergy with MOF4AIR and gather at least 4 industrial clusters with more than 10 sectors (e.g. cement, limestone, energy, chemistry and petrochemistry, waste incinerator).
The members of the ICB will follow closely the results of the project, notably in terms of cost of the carbon capture solutions, and review with MOF4AIR partners possible transfer on their industries.
You can see in the map below the current composition of the ICB. If you are interested in joining our ICB and benefit for more tailored results of MOF4AIR, feel free to contact us here!
European Cement Research Academy (ECRA)
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The European Cement Research Academy was founded in 2003 as a platform on which the European cement industry supports, organises and undertakes research activities within the context of the production of cement and its application in concrete. By creating and disseminating knowledge from research findings, ECRA’s aim is to facilitate and accelerate innovation to guide the cement industry. ECRA’s activities are pre-competitive and comprise seminars, workshops and dedicated research projects.
To know more about ECRA, click here.
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AGC GLASS EUROPE SA is involved in manufacturing and developing glass, glazing and other products for, inter alia, automotive, solar, decorative and architectural use. As a world leading company in flat glass and flat glass product manufacturing, AGC Glass can provide knowledge, expertise, and competences in designing glass furnaces from the raw materials management down to the exhaust gas treatment.
To know more about AGC, click here.
Lhoist Group
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The Lhoist Group is a global leader in lime, dolime and minerals. With headquarters in Belgium, the group is present in over 25 countries with more than 100 facilities around the globe. This family-owned business combines a traditional industrial culture with a dynamic and entrepreneurial approach. It differentiates its business by being close to its customers, understanding their needs and providing them with the high-quality products their activities require.
To know more about Lhoist, click here.
John Cockerill
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John Cockerill ( former CMI ) is a more than 200 years company operating in engineering and services with HQ in Seraing (Belgium). Meeting the needs of our time is the raison d’être of the group. We have 5 sectors ( Energy, Defence, Industry, Environment & Services) with more than 6000 employees . We provide solutions to our clients in all the continents. Innovation is key for our activity, and is supported by dedicated organization in each sector, and a corporate team dealing with IP, open innovation & coordination , with the group CTO as team leader. Some recent lighthouse projects : molten salt solar receiver for CSP tower projects , air treatment for a phosphoric acid production plant to bring down HF emissions , MIRIS pilot plant with 2MWc PV panels & battery storage units and associated EMS, sales of various DQ1000 electrolysers ( 5MW unit stack , 1000Nm³H2/h). JC has limited internal R&D resources and works mainly with partners ( University labs, RTOs, & other private companies) mostly in Europe ( Belgium , France , & Germany). JC is part of H2020 projects such as SIDERWIN ( iron production by electrolysis) or 3D-ccs ( CO2 capture and storage in the steel industry )
To know more about John Cockerill, click here.

RHI Magnesita
Type of organisation: Cement Association
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RHI Magnesita is the global leading supplier of high-grade refractory products, systems and services. With more than 13,600 employees across more than 35 countries and € 2.9 billion in revenues in 2019, RHIM is the driving force of the refractory industry. RHIM produces and sells refractories used in high-temperature industrial processes worldwide. These range from bricks and lining mixes to flow control products such as slide gates, nozzles and plugs. The company operates through Steel and Industrial segments like cement, lime, non-ferrous metals, glass, energy, environment and chemical industries.
To know more about RHI Magnesita, click here.
Type of organisation: Cement Association
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Fluxys Belgium is the independent operator of the natural gas transmission and storage infrastructure in Belgium. The company also operates the Zeebrugge liquefied natural gas terminal.
As a purpose-led company Fluxys Belgium together with its stakeholders contributes to a better society by shaping a bright energy future. Building on the unique assets of gas infrastructure and its commercial and technical expertise, Fluxys Belgium is committed to accommodate carbon capture and utilisation/storage chains and to transport hydrogen, biomethane or any other carbon-neutral energy carrier.
To know more about Fluxys, click here.

Votorantim Cimentos
Type of organisation: Cement Association
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Votorantim Cimentos has been in the construction materials business (cement, concrete, aggregates and mortars) since 1933 and is one of the largest companies in the sector. The company is part of Votorantim S.A., a 100% Brazilian company, which is present in 19 countries and celebrated 100 years of activity in 2018. The eight companies that make up the Group are: Votorantim Cimentos, NEXA, CBA (Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio), Acerbrag, Paz del Rio, Votorantim Energia, Citrosuco and Banco Votorantim. They are part of a business that includes more than 485 operating and administrative units and employs over 36,000 people.
To know more about Votorantim Cimentos, click here.

Type of organisation: Cement Association
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ENGIE Laborelec is a leading expertise and research center in electrical power technology and is active on the whole electricity value chain with a focus upon the energy transition and the 3 D’s (decentralisation, decarbonisation and digitalisation). ENGIE Laborelec is one of the two main Research organizations from ENGIE, a worldwide energy utility company highly involved in the development of sustainable and renewable energies from their production to their uses in cities and territories.
To know more about ENGIE/Laborelec, click here.

Technip Energies
Type of organisation: Cement Association
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Technip Energies is a leading Engineering & Technology company for the energy transition, with leadership positions in Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), hydrogen and ethylene as well as growing market positions in blue and green hydrogen, sustainable chemistry and CO2 management. The company benefits from its robust project delivery model supported by extensive technology, products and services offering.
Operating in 34 countries, our 15,000 people are fully committed to brining our client’s innovative projects to life, breaking boundaries to accelerate the energy transition for a better tomorrow.
To know more about Technip Energies, click here.

GE Power
Type of organisation: Cement Association
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TGE Power is a technology and service provider for the full length of the energy value chain, and is a global manufacturer of renewable, nuclear, gas & steam turbines and grid infrastructure equipment.
In Europe, GE has manufacturing and servicing facilities in almost every country, employing over 30.000 people across the continent.
GE has a unique perspective on the energy transition and has a suite of complementary technologies, including gas-fired power with hydrogen and Carbon Capture Underground Storage (CCUS) capability, and solutions needed for the energy transformation.
GE has also set its own goal to become carbon neutral* in its facilities and operations by 2030.
*Carbon neutrality to be achieved through absolute reductions of direct emissions and energy use at more than 1000 GE facilities and operations worldwide by 2030
To know more about GE Power, click here.
Type of organisation: Cement Association
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We are a team of 70,000 people operating in markets around the world, on a journey to decarbonize building. Holcim is active in four business segments: Cement, Aggregates, Ready-Mix Concrete and Solutions & Products.
Holcim offers an extensive line of bag and bulk cement products, specially formulated to suit a broad range of markets and building environments. Our net-zero journey involves constant innovation to develop sustainable cement products such as our ECOPlanet low-carbon cement.
Our broad portfolio of ready-mix concrete includes low-carbon solutions that deliver the same high quality and consistency that our customers have come to expect. The ECOPact range of green concrete delivers high performance and sustainability in 25 markets worldwide.
Aggregate products – including crushed stone, gravel and sand – are key components in construction. Holcim aggregates are used as raw materials for concrete, masonry and asphalt, and as base materials for roads, landfills and buildings.
Growing closer to our customers, we continue to expand our Solutions & Products business line with a comprehensive offer from construction and energy efficiency to repair and refurbishment.
To know more about Holcim, click here.